Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Worth a Listen

I have read lots of articles about the pros and cons of Common Core. The radio show linked below, shows both. 

The idea that Common Core is horrible is a problem for me. I think the basics of Common Core and the benchmarks offered are valid and fair. I think the roll out of Common Core was the problem. I feel like Common Core was rushed with little support and great expectations placed on teachers as they were learning the new way of instruction. I think the idea that a few could be trained and bring the information back to the school was not the best way to provide professional development.  After all, IF the information was shared, it was not "first hand" information any longer. It was filtered through a rushed understanding of the training and the bias of the teacher bringing the information back to the schools. 

I think if the Common Core tests are used punitively in the schools, it could be a problem. This adds a layer of fear in the teaching of the standards. It makes it difficult to try these "new" ways of teaching when worried that making an error or allowing students to find the answers will lead to poor scores that will adversely affect a teacher's livelihood.  Also, Common Core was not meant to keep the focus narrowed on math and reading. It was meant to allow arts, sciences, and social sciences to have equal footing with math and reading. We will see if this is the case.

Anyway, this is worth the listen: